Nari Teaches Reproductive Health as a Research Project for Nursing Degree

HCC Nepal Reliance School

HCC Nepal Reliance SchoolDue to obtain her Bachelors of Science in Nursing, HCC Student Nari recently completed a research project on a topic of her choice. Utilizing the cornerstone HCC principle of giving back to the community, Nari chose a research topic that would not only provide useful and interesting public health data, it would also provide her with the opportunity to give back to a community she used to call home.

Nari chose the following topic: Impact of Educational Intervention on Awareness regarding Reproductive Health among Adolescents. With the permission from the Principal and school administration, Nari was able to return to her alma mater, the Reliance School, an English language secondary school. Some of our younger students are currently attending the Reliance school, so it was a thrill for Nari to be able to return to such a friendly homestead. Over the course of two weeks, Nari taught 65 students on the topic of reproductive health. She measured her results through a pre-exam before teaching and final exam post teaching to ensure her students grew in their knowledge of reproductive health. HCC Nepal Reliance School Teaching


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