Khushi Ghar Update from Tulsi

Every month we get updates directly from the students!

This month of September was fun. This month we mainly focused on clearing our house and surroundings. For that, we did a lot of fun activities like painting our 2 rooms, garden walls and our kitchen. We bought new flowers and planted them in the flower pots and garden. We all did it together and it was enjoyable as well as tiring. Our senior brother Ram was there to guide and help us.

Some of us went on a trip for hiking. We went there together with directors, my uncle and our senior Mun Maya sister. There we enjoyed walking, taking pictures. We stayed in the resort and there we did swimming, went to the beach and enjoyed singing and dancing. 

About my studies, we are attending colleges and it will probably be closed within 10 days for Dashain vacation. In college we attend classes as we are going to have our first exams of grade 12. I’m nervous as well as excited for that. After college I revise notes and take help from my senior brother and sister. Along with that I am fulfilling all my duties and responsibilities in Khushi Ghar.


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