News and Updates

Update from Jaman in Med School

Update from Jaman in Med School

Jaman is the first HCC student to attend Medical School. In addition to trailblazing, he is navigating the very real and complex class/caste bias he's facing with grace and admirable strength. Namaste!I am Jaman lama....

Student Spotlight: Ram

Student Spotlight: Ram

Ram has been in the HCC Signature Program since 2006. He is in his second year of Culinary School and planning for his...

Student Spotlight: Rina

Student Spotlight: Rina

Rina recently graduated from grade 10 and moved into Khushi Ghar full time. She is using her time before she starts...

Student Spotlight: Bina

Student Spotlight: Bina

  Mentorship is a fundamental part of what we do. Guiding the students to find their path, to be their best and...