Ram’s Internship in France

We are so excited to announce Ram has been accepted for an internship at a 3 star resort outside of Paris! Watching Ram grow up these last 14 years has been a joy. He has become a driven, talented chef, and a mentor that his junior HCC students can look up to.

We asked him about this amazing opportunity.


What was your first reaction when you found out you got the visa and internship approved?

I literally cried when my visa was approved by the French administration. It was a dream come true for me to be in France and the only thing in my life was to learn multiple cuisines and I was prepared for it.

What are you most looking forward to?

I am looking forward to learning about the French gastronomic culture in order to enrich my academic career and optimize my personal skills.

Have you studied any French language?

Yes, I have joined my language institute in Alliance Françoise de Katmandu which promotes the French language by offering French classes that are open to all; it offers its students free access to spread the Francophone culture by organizing cultural events that promote both diversity and intercultural dialogue.

Are you excited to learn French technique in France?

Yes, of course, why not? It is all about the foundation of great chefs who begin with classic French techniques. All I want is to learn for now, so it’s a good opportunity for me to learn and move ahead in my professional career.

What is your favorite thing to cook now?

I am mostly into the Indian and Nepalese cuisine as we are familiar with similar foods. So my first thing was to learn the food of my own country and later get into other multiple cuisines. I love traditional foods.

Is there anything you are particularly looking forward to learning?

Yes, I am looking forward to learning of creation and production of desserts, savory or sweet desserts; also discover French gastronomic culture, strict application of food hygiene and safety standards and the luxury of hotels. Since I have no ideas of French gastronomic culture

Are you going to have any time to travel around France? If so, where are you most excited to see?

If I’ll have my time to travel around France then, my first place of visit would be the Eiffel Tower restaurant for unforgettable French cuisine, dramatic views, old monuments and different Michelin star restaurants of course.

Do you feel like a role model for your fellow HCC students?

Yes, I do. There was a time when I had low grades and now I have improved to my best level. Because of the opportunity that Bruce uncle and Susan aunt gave me was one of the best gifts that I had received in my life and it was a life-changing moment for me. With the change in my behavior, with the studies and what I have been accomplishing in my current life, it makes me feel like the students are learning something from me. “Determination to change and bring change in life, motivating others to move forward and giving back to society is something you can always learn from it. Follow your dreams”, that is all I say to my fellows in HCC.

What will you miss most about Nepal?

The people that love us the most will be missed and the foods that we eat in our daily life, the mountains as I love to trek in the mountain regions mostly.

How did you celebrate?

Well, that wasn’t the time to celebrate for me because there wasn’t the permit in the visa to go to France and the processing for the visa was still going on under Campus France Nepal as it had remained closed for two months. I’ll celebrate it when I receive my visa to go to France with my HCC family indeed.


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