Student-Run Knitting Class Offers Fun and Community

HCC Nepal Girls Knitting


HCC Nepal KnittingAfter buckling down and studying for weeks for their final exams, HCC students are currently basking in a well-earned spring break of almost one month. During break periods, HCC sets up a variety of activities for students to participate in to keep them engaged and motivated while also providing an opportunity for fun, community, and to recharge. HCC University student Chet is teaching one of the more popular activities this break, a knitting class. Currently, they are learning to knit mufflers, making 15 mufflers to date. The students intend to sell the mufflers as a part of fundraising efforts. Students from the secondary and high school levels not only have the opportunity to learn a useful skill, but they also get to nourish their relationships in their community at Khushi Ghar by talking and relaxing while knitting.

Thank you to all of the sponsors who provided knitting materials to HCC! HCC Nepal Girls Knitting

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