Tulsi Reports on the Year End Picnic!

Once a year, we always decide to go on a picnic with the HCC family as a part of family gathering, enjoyment, refreshment and good family bonding. This time the decision was made suddenly as most of us have our final exams approaching and to manage time and also not to miss anyone during the gathering. Unfortunately we still missed Nari DD as she had to study for her exams. Along with Nari DD many graduates’ brothers and sisters didn’t join us as they were out of the valley [some students are still with extended family outside of Kathmadu to ease the Covid burden]. I was really excited when Uncle Dinesh and Aunty Hira gave us the surprise of going to picnic the next day. We were excited because every year’s picnic has given us the best memories and we were sure that even this year we would make the best memories and capture the best moments. Though it’s risky to gather and go to picnic on this pandemic, Aunty and Uncle had thought of a safe place where we could enjoy and not worry about the pandemic. Even the HCC graduates’ sisters and brothers were there to join us. The venue was decided as Lele, only a two hours drive from Kathmandu.

The next early morning, everyone got up early and got into warm clothes, gathered and then got into the reserved bus.We sang songs, danced and cracked jokes on our way to Lele. We couldn’t stop dancing, singing, talking and making fun of each other. Each and every one of us were enjoying ourselves. The scenery from the bus was good so we took pictures and captured the beauty of nature. We took group photos and videos. It was a fun packed morning.

After two hours on the bus, we reached our destination. We were so thankful because it was the perfect weather for a picnic. On reaching the picnic spot, we enthusiastically explored the alluring beauty and bounties of nature. A view of the beautiful mountain could be seen easily. There was enough space to cook, dance and enjoy. We all helped each other to manage the things, food and the place. We were really hungry since we went there early with an empty stomach . The good thing about reaching early was that we could get more time to enjoy the new place. We ate breakfast and then we had leisure time. In that free time, we separated in groups and then went hiking above the picnic spot. Sadhana, Tashi and many other girls danced continuously ’til their legs hurt. There we played games and captured hundreds of pictures for good flashbacks and memories. The nature walk we took there made us feel free since it had already been so long staying in our house. The day was well spent enjoying, singing and interacting with each other. We didn’t even notice that the time flew away so fast and in a blink of an eye. We made snacks together and enjoyed the delicious food.

At the end of the day, we took some group photos and gathered our stuff. We got ready to head towards our home. This time was more fun than expected. Everyone had a big smile on their face indicating that they had a great fun and marvelous day. The trip was sound and safe as we took the precaution measures. This picnic helped to strengthen the bond between everyone. We really had a great day. This has indeed become one of the best days of my life. 

Thank you for making this possible!!



Watch the video Chadani made on YouTube!

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