January Update From Ram in France

Every month we get updates directly from the students!

After nearly 2 years of Covid-related delays, Ram is finally in Lyon, France, at the prestigious Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay.

Traveling to France was like a dream come true for me. The working hours are good because we’ll get a break in between. The hotel has a guest everyday despite Covid. Here  in Lyon, we don’t have a problem of Covid. I am still learning step by step because my chef will not provide me a recipe all at once. First thing I had learnt in France was dessert plating and I am still doing it. My chef is very friendly, funny and doesn’t speak English very well. I have friend in patisserie who had recently joined as a employ from August, even he does not speak english very much. So, mostly they speak broken english and like I do broken french it’s very funny having communication with them.

Most of the people I work with don’t speak English, even those people who have come from Poland, Argentina, Czech and all for an internship. It’s a challenge and I have to accept it. I won’t be able to take a photo because of the dish being prepared as per the order and it rushes so quick that you can see it. I managed to take some pictures of my dessert. I am still waiting on a chance to take a photo of mine within the kitchen department.

Still the same person, with the same name just a different mind set and a few new games and I am enjoying it. Keep chasing your goals even if you are alone, scared and tired, I say it to myself everyday to remain focussed and enjoy every moment of my life. Six moths of hard work and focus will put me on the right direction. That wouldn’t have been possible without HCC and  I am very thankful for this moment of my life that I have received from HCC family.


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