Lower Dhading Update from Rina

This report from Lower Dhading was prepared and written by HCC student, Rina.

On June 30th, we went on a trip to Lower Dhading. The purpose of our trip was to visit and provide necessary things for the students, which was supported by HCC. All together there were five of us: Dinesh, DP, Mun Maya, Arya and me.

On the day of our visit, we all gathered in Khushi Ghar at five-thirty in the morning. We had packed up packages and bags with school supplies, as well as personal care items. Once they were arranged into the exterior seat of the car, we began our journey to Dhading.

On the way to Dhading, we had several different funny and interesting talks with each other. During our discussions, we also enjoyed the mesmerizing sceneries of mountains, hills and paddy fields. Around 8AM, we stopped near Khaja Ghar for breakfast, which consisted of paratha, boiled eggs, chana, and coffee for breakfast. As soon as we finished, we headed towards Baireni.

Our first meeting place was at Success Academy School in Baireni, Dhading. The students supported by HCC had all gathered there, with huge smiles across their faces; they were incredibly happy to see us. This made us feel warmly welcomed. Later on, we met with the students one by one asking them about their school, family, as well as their life in general. The questions were asked  Mun Maya and Dinesh, Arya noted down every different detail of the students, DP handed out the different bags and packages, and I was assigned the role of the photographer. Each student was given 6,000 NRS. This amount of money will aid them in buying basic necessities. Additionally we questioned some newer students, which would also be provided with scholarships, school supplies and personal care items.


When we finished our meeting with the students at Birene, we began our journey to Dhading Besi. On the way, we stopped by a hotel for lunch. The food there was incredibly delicious, especially the soup that consisted of local chicken; that was our favorite! After lunch, we continued traveling to Dhading Besi. Also on the way, we picked up the father of five Magar kids that are supported by HCC. These children go to the Advanced Academy School, and stay in a school hostel. The father and his children were reunited after a couple months, so he ended up joining us on our voyage to spend some time with his very own. 

Our second meeting destination was at Advanced Academy School, where the father’s kids study. Once again, we were happily welcomed. Similarly to the Success School, there we also met up with the students individually, where they were asked about their learning, and their well-being. We then distributed bags/packages, along with NRS 6000/ thousand to each student, just like at the other school. Scholarships were also given out to several deserving students, whom were also new.

We all had light snacks on the way back home to Kathmandu, which we arrived at around seven at night.

All together, we met forty-seven students that consisted of both new and old ones. The children seemed very pleased and thankful for being provided with such scholarships.

Overall, the trip was amazing. As for Arya and me, this was a new one.  It was very refreshing, for us, to be able to help children in need of a more prominent future. We hope to do this again very soon!


Rina Bhandari


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