Mentorship & Leadership at Himalayan Children’s Charities
HCC students in the Signature and PEAK Programs participate in innovative Mentorship Training. Mentorship aims to shift the paradigm for at-risk children from a position of an unwanted and marginalized victim, to a life of empowerment, dignity, self-esteem, and self-fulfillment. Mentorship inspires self-awareness and gratitude by encouraging each student’s individual talents, skills, and passions. The program teaches communication and leadership skills, emotional management, and team building within a community. Students are coached by trained professionals and are also paired with an older peer within the program, both helping to guide them through adolescence and into a career.
Importantly, HCC mentorship encourages a mindset of “leaders training leaders”. Giving back to the community is a cornerstone of the HCC educational philosophy, and our students and graduates give back to the community with a profound sense of gratitude and responsibility.

Life-Skills Training

HCC students also participate in Life-Skills Training which prepares them for life on their own by teaching them practical, day-to-day skills children would generally learn from their parents or families. The program teaches the students how to manage a home, through lessons in basic budgeting, paying bills, cooking and food shopping and general household chores. The program also provides them with enhanced professional skills through lessons in job interviewing techniques, computer and internet proficiency, and advanced English classes.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead